Babies' First 38 Hours

I really thought the babies would hang out inside of me until July 10, but they had other plans! Maybe it was all the excitement of the tornadoes and crazy weather, or maybe it was the full moon that brought them out like my mom predicted- whatever it was, the triplets were ready.

I woke up yesterday morning feeling just alright. After Levi was gone at work for about an hour, I started feeling just yucky all over with contractions that weren't stopping like they usually had in the past.

My neighbor and friend came over to take me to the hospital after calling the doctor's office. Her daughter stayed home with Aria and we were off.

Once checked in at the hospital, one of the nurses I see at my weekly check ups took me back to Labor and Delivery. The nurse told them, "She never complains, so I know she definitely needs to be checked." How sweet she is!

We started a Non-Stress Test on the babies to check their heart rates and monitored my contractions. Here's what that looks like, by the way. I finally got a picture.

I was having contractions every 3 minutes. The doctor came in and checked me and decided it was time!

The nurses got me to the OR and prepped me for a spinal. Levi couldn't be with me while they did that and I got extremely nervous. My heart was racing. Reality set in that I was about to have three babies at once.

Another nurse stood in front of me and held my hand and shoulder while someone else did my spinal. She started poking around and the first thing I felt was a sharp pain down my left leg into my foot. "OW!" I shrieked. She tried again. "OW! Again!"  Third time's a charm- that time it was done without pain and we were ready to roll.

The delivery was fast and the most intense thing I've ever experienced.

The big blue sheet went up in front of me, Levi came in and held my hand and the doctor said we were ready to go. (I don't think my hands have ever shaken so much before in my life!)

During the c-section, I just felt some tugging, then I heard, "The baby girl is the first one out!" and I heard her cry. I just wanted to jump off the table and go hold her when I heard her wailing. Becket came out about 40 seconds later, then Henry. Both came out crying, just like Livi.

After the babies were cleaned up, I got to see them for about two short minutes.

Next, I was stitched up and wheeled down to see my new children,  who were born in this order: "Baby A" Livi (5 pounds 3 ounces), "Baby B" Beckett (5 pounds 8 ounces) and Baby C Henry (5 pounds).

After seeing the boys, we did decide that "Baby B" was no longer Beckett, but instead he was a Henry. We also decided to change Henry's middle name from Miles to Daniel. Miles had no meaning behind it. During church Sunday, our pastor preached about Daniel's courage and the name's meaning of "God is my judge" and we agreed it was better suited for our Henry's middle name.

Big sister Aria was the next person to meet the Gilmore triplets. She thinks the babies are cute...for now.

She says, "Aaaaaawwwe, momma look! Awwwwe!"

The triplets were only in the NICU for about 6 hours. Now, they are in the regular nursery, but still being monitored a little more than most babies since they are preemies, born at 34 weeks and 6 days.

Livi, Beckett and Henry are so tiny!

I'm extremely thankful that they are such great weights for preemies, but I can not imagine what a three pound baby would look like!

Today was a happy day because now that my pain is a little more manageable, I could walk down the hall the see the triplets whenever I want.

Grammy got to visit the kids as well today!



All three kids are healthy and strong. The only thing we are keeping an eye on is Henry's glucose levels.

Livi was a champ with eating today. She was the only one to latch on and really "get it" when I nursed, then later in the day she got a bottle a sucked it down pretty quickly.

She even lifted her head up on her own while being burped. We laughed at how strong she is and I reminded Levi that she was the one holding in her brothers the whole pregnancy.

After eating, baby girl decided to open her eyes and study us!

Livi's first selfie

wide awake!


diaper changing time

Beckett's tiny toes

We got to spend a good amount of time with the babies today, but I sure miss my Aria. I bet she's absolutely miserable without us for the day...

Thanks for all your prayers! We are so in love!


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