Thankful Thursday: 4 Week Check-Up

Now that Levi is done with his "paternity leave", I am home on my own this week. I am thankful he had two weeks vacation time to use to help out and to bond with our newborns.

Last week, I had a practice run of being on my own. Levi and Colbin went out together to run errands, go to the dentist, etc. and were gone half a day. They also spent a lot of time outside with Aria. I have to say, being on my own was a success! I'm thankful I didn't have triplets my first pregnancy because I don't think I would have been as calm about it as I am now.

I do have some helpers dropping in here and there, but for the most part handling three babies and a two year old on my own isn't too crazy yet. Our routine keeps me sane and it keeps the kids sane too.

I am thankful we have parents close by to help out. My mother-in-law took the first shift of helping me get the babies to their 4 week check-up today.

I am thankful for beautiful, healthy babies.

Beckett: 7 pounds, 7 ounces
Henry: 7 pounds, 7 ounces
Livi: 6 pounds, 14 ounces

The babies are gaining weight so well! We got the ok to try out feeding every 4 hours at night instead of every 3. We will try it out tonight and see if they let us stretch it out that long.


Getting all four kids plus two apnea monitors loaded in the van was not an easy task. It was my workout for the day! But we made it. I probably won't be doing that without Levi anytime soon unless absolutely necessary for doctor appointments. 

I am thankful our newborn photo session went so smoothly. We are anxiously waiting on the rest of our pictures to come back from the photographer.

I am thankful for my year-long sabbatical from teaching. One year ago, Aria was helping me in my classroom.

This year she's helping me wash bottles. It feels very odd that I'm not gearing up for a new school year, but this is definitely what's best for our family right now.

I'm thankful for friends who bring us yummy meals.

That's all I have time to share, as my "down time" has expired.

Have a great day!


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