One Week Old

The triplets are one week old today! Livi, Beckett and Henry are strong little babies. All three are gaining weight now every day. They eat well, taking about 10 minutes or less to finish a bottle.

Tonight the NICU will be moving them from incubators to cribs!

Livi was taken off of her phototherapy today!

Beckett is probably the best eater. He loves his bottles!

We also think he's the most laid back of the babies. Yesterday, we had a photographer from The Tiny Footprints Project  come to take pictures of the triplets. Beckett showed his true colors of being easy-going during the shoot. Livi wanted the boys to wake up and play, but Beckett remained sleeping and un-annoyed by the whole process.

Beckett, Livi, Henry
Henry is pretty easy-going as well. Levi and I have decided that we can tell Henry apart from Beckett because he (1) is smaller/not as filled out as Beckett and (2) has wider nostrils.

Once all three are out of their incubators and into regular cribs, our goal with the NICU is to have them off all monitors (which at this point is only heart monitors) by Tuesday. Once they do well with that, coming home is around the corner.

The NICU has talked to us about the importance of preemies only getting up for feeding times. Until they hit what should have been their 40 week gestation, sleep is extremely important for brain growth and development. As you can guess, we will most likely limit the number of visitors we have until they hit that 40 week mark since there is a small window of time for them to be awake for feedings throughout the day. (They will be 36 weeks gestation tomorrow.)

Aria has been highly concerned about me leaving her side since I came home from the hospital. I keep talking to her about why I was gone and how soon the babies will come to our house from the hospital.

She adores her baby brothers and sisters.

I'm hoping I can get back to driving early next week so I can take Aria somewhere special for a mommy/daughter date. I feel a lot of guilt leaving her a few hours a day to visit the triplets, but once I I leave the NICU, I feel guilty for not being by their side 24/7 too.

I'm always happy to get home to this goofy little girl.

And very soon all my babies will be home with me!

Added note: "How can I help?"
I am coming to learn that help will not come in the form of holding babies, but more so helping with dishes, bottle washing and laundry and meals. If this is something you would just LOVE to do, let me know. I will put you to work. :)


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