We Left Our Hearts In KC

Levi and I left the hospital without the triplets today. They need to stay in the NICU for a bit longer. We were both an emotional wreck leaving them, but I sure missed my first baby girl and it's good to be home with her.

When checking out at the hospital, I quickly learned that everything we do will now be times three. For example, I don't have to fill out one form for birth certificates, I have to fill out three.



A couple of days ago, Livi decided to pull out her feeding tube. She said it just wasn't her style. The nurses never bothered putting it back in because she is such a a good eater.

Last night was bath night. She didn't mind it at all!

This morning when I went to feed her, I was told she needed some phototherapy for her bilirubin levels.

Hopefully this isn't needed long, because it's hard to see our daughter like this, even though we know it's a very common issue for babies to have.

(I think she looks like Aria in both pictures with her eye protector gear, especially because Aria always sleeps like this with her arm up.)


We had another special visitor this weekend. Jennifer got to hold Beckett. He really studied her and tried to figure out who this woman holding him was!

We had a small celebration for Beckett this morning because he no longer needs his feeding tube! He let the nurse take it out instead of doing it himself like Livi. 

Babies in the NICU need to have heart rates that stay above 80. Beckett's heart falls below that occasionally, but the good thing is he comes out of it without any stimulation. He needs to quit doing that so he can come home!


Henry got to have his feeding tube removed today as well! Henry has the same heart issue as Beckett, but not as frequently.

Overall, the babies are doing extremely well. I had so many nurses tell me how wonderful all three are doing and how lucky blessed we are for their great health. Many are amazed I made it to one day shy of 35 weeks in my pregnancy with no bed rest and no complications. We are all praying they continue to grow stronger and stronger as they have been the past four days.

As for me, I feel ok as long as I stay on top of my pain meds. I look forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight. (You can call it sleeping. I call it periodic naps in between the pumping I need to do every 2-3 hours.)

Have a good one!


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