Two Weeks Already

Tuesday was such an amazing day! After 12 days of being in the NICU, our babies came home.

 We know we are incredibly blessed that our preemies spent such a little amount of time there. The doctors and nurses tell us that is by no means the norm for triplets- especially to all leave on the same day.

My big from South Carolina was here for the special day too!

Since we've been home, it's all about routine- around the clock. The babies eat every three hours, one at a time. In between feeds, we have been enjoying bonding and cuddling time.


tummy time~

bath time~

sleepy time~

more tummy time~

Livi doesn't seem to like tummy time, so we are taking it slow with her.

In other news, today the triplets are two weeks old and we had our first check up at our pediatrician's office.

All three are doing so awesome! Livi and Beckett have gained 8 ounces since being discharged from the NICU.  Henry has gained 7 ounces.

Since they are preemies, they will be measured by "adjusted age" until they are about a year old. So, for example when the babies reach two months of age, they will be measured as being 3 weeks old adjusted. The doctor thinks they will be caught up between 6-9 months instead of a year because of their size, weight gain and good health.

I want to thank all our helpers that have already done so much this week. From Levi's mom who stops in after work and people bringing us meals to my mom and sister who do things like dishes, laundry and organize our linen closet.

Even Aria has been a big helper. She rubs babies' backs and helps wash bottles.

 Aria, so far, has been handling the change really well. She loves the babies and thinks they're so cute.

This is a life of abundance. :)


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