Born on the 2nd of July

Happy 4th of July! Here are the fireworks we are enjoying today~

I have to be completely real and say that originally I made the pictures with their names on them and posted them on Instagram before Levi told me I mixed up the boys. He was right. Oops. But the above are correct!

Livi is still our strongest feeder. Give her a bottle and she has no issues finishing it in a timely matter.

We thought she might graduate from the incubator today to a crib, but she got too cold and needs to stay in the incubator a little longer.

Beckett is a good eater too, but sometimes he becomes more interested in sleeping than eating and he has to finish through his feeding tube.

proud daddy


The Gilmore's section of the nursery was hustling with visitors today.

This was the first time Aria got to touch the babies. She did a good job being gentle with them and rubbing their backs like Mommy does.

Livi's bed

 We are missing Livi in this picture and I am rocking my post-triplet pregnancy body. (The nurse gave me a "belly binder" which is truly a life saver post c-section.)

Mimi Mindy

Grammy and Papa Lewi not only visited, but also brought us a little 4th of July present.


We aren't sure when the babies will be able to leave the hospital. We have to take it day by day.

The babies have to meet goals such as

  • maintaining a good body temperature on their own
  • feeding with a bottle and not needing feeding tube intervention

We no longer have to worry about Henry's glucose levels. He is back on track and doesn't even need to be monitored for that anymore. Go Henry!

It will be immensely difficult to check out of the hospital in a couple of days without my babies. Please be praying for not just their strength, but for mine and Levi's as that will be a tough transition for us. 

Enjoy your 4th and be safe!


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