
Showing posts from January, 2014

What I Learned During the Polar Bear Plunge

What I learned from the Polar Bear Plunge I learned that people will do crazy things to raise money for a great cause.   I learned that people are good at heart. I didn't learn, but was reminded, that I teach in a great district, that has great students. I was reminded how much I love my supportive husband and mom.  (Mom not pictured, but she took some good pictures. ) I learned to dress warm before the plunge because there is a lot of hurry-up-and-wait. Luckily Levi had extra blankets and coats in the car. I learned it's just as fun watching people break up the ice to prep the lake as it is to watch the Polar Parade. I learned that patriotism belongs everywhere we go. I learned that it is truly fun to watch random people do stupid things. I learned that before you can run into a freezing cold lake, you have to take off your big, warm clothes, then stand around and wait som