
Today, January 14, marks my one year "blog-u-versary". One year ago today I started this blog, all because of Aria the miracle baby. Being able to write about my experiences being pregnant and raising a child was, and still is, extremely important to me. We don't know if we'll ever get this chance again, a chance at another baby, so we have to live up every precious moment with her.

Now, 158 posts later, Aria is 9 months old. Truly amazing.

How appropriate is it, then that I use today's post of my blog-u-versary to talk all about Aria?

My pretty baby had her nine month check-up today. Lucky for us, no shots! This made for a fun trip.

Here are her current stats:

Yes, that's 91% for height. Her doctor thinks she'll be 5'10" when she's done growing. That's not too surprising given that I myself am 5'9" and Levi is 6'2", but it's still funny to think of.

Her pediatrician is fantastic and gave me so much information. I've been nervous about Aria eating food that isn't blended. Doc said tear up her food into Cheerio-sized bites, put away the Baby Bullet blender, and let her at it.

With this advice, we tried out chili for dinner.

It was a chili marathon, as Levi described it. This way of eating takes much longer than spoon feeding her blended yummies. I think with time and practice, though, dinner will go quicker.


After her marathon meal, Aria was in a great mood.

It was a fabulous blog-u-versary!


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