Choose to See the Good Stuff

When I logged onto Facebook today, I saw this post on John Tesh's page:

I'm thankful my husband makes a conscious effort to kiss me goodbye every single day. Even back in the day when he had to be to work at 4 am, he would still kiss me goodbye.

We also make sure to kiss each other goodnight each and every day. We've always believed the scientists' research that kissing your spouse goodbye each morning makes you live longer, your relationships stronger and helps you feel more connected.

On top of that, we also try to always kiss each other "hello" after work each day, for all the same reasons listed above. This one doesn't happen every day consistently, but we try!

Now that Aria is in the picture, she gets kisses at all these times as well- and then some.

Speaking of Aria, she is getting into so much more mischief lately with all the crawling she's doing. 

After she crawls a bit, she sits up and practices her splits.

Then she makes sure I'm watching and waves "hi".

Apparently another part about turning 9 months is you don't want to keep your socks on.

It's a good thing we keep our house at 75* now.

Have a great evening!


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