A Shout Out to My Homies

Yes, I missed a post yesterday, but I plan on catching up today. Watch out, you might get two posts in one day if you're lucky! 

Yesterday during our "snow day", or what I called the "cold day" since we were out of school due to extremely cold temperatures, Aria and I worked on crawling.

She tries and tries, but gives up and rolls to where she wants to be. She doesn't seem to care that she's almost 9 months old and not crawling yet.

Once she gets fussy about it, we switch to walk practicing. Standing up on her own is her new favorite past time.

Another fav of course is watching the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

Aria also is still loving book time because flipping the pages on her own is a blast.

I didn't get a chance to make those cookies we talked about yesterday, but there's always today with snow day #2.  It's 7 am and cookies are starting to sound amazing for breakfast.

Continuing on with the 21 Day Challenge, yesterday  I jotted down a list of what I'm thankful for. My top five always look like this:

1. God. (The big guy always comes first.)

2. Levi. (The greatest husband in the world always comes right after God.)

3. Aria the Miracle Baby

4. Having a job

5. My amazing, large family

Outside of my top five, I really have to look for things throughout the day to be thankful for. Hence, the "challenge". 

After yesterday, I realized I am thankful for not only my amazing, supportive family but also my amazing, supportive friends. 

We are always there for each other. We know each other so well that when anything happens in life- good or bad- I know my friends' hearts and they know mine. We know how to make each other laugh, how to lift each other up and how to help each other in times of need. 

Not once do we question each other's integrity or honesty because we know we don't have to. 

They are my best friends, my co-workers, my fellow Christian ladies, and my good friends that I have thanks to marrying Levi. 

You guys know who you are and I love you all! Mwa!


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