"Lone Survivor"

Saturday started out pretty typical. I did laundry, Aria helped. 

By "helped", I mean she took the clothes out of the basket and unfolded everything.

I can't blame her, it was fun.

While we were working on laundry,  Levi worked on changing the oil in our vehicles. I was thinking about my 21 Day Challenge and how thankful I am that Levi is a handyman who wants to do everything himself. 

"That is worthy of writing about being thankful for that," I thought to myself. 

But I changed my mind.

This afternoon we took Aria to Mimi Mindy's so we could go see the movie Lone Survivor. Honestly, I didn't know much about the movie, just that there was one military guy that survived a mission in Afghanistan. 

This movie is so much more than that. Based on a true story, the movie makes you feel like you are right in the war zone with these brave Navy SEALs in the mountains of Afghanistan. It's one of those stories that will linger in your head for days and days. 

The film was so intense that I cried several times. I covered my eyes with my hands. I squeezed on Levi's arm. When we left the theatre, I felt exhausted.

With that, I dedicate today's challenge to our country's military. Many of us civilians probably think, "Wow, it must really suck to go to combat," but we'll never know the extreme suckiness that it is. This film made me realize how lucky we Americans are to have people like these young guys be willing to not just die for us, but die in probably one of the scariest ways imaginable. 

My heroes.

I thank God for you all. 

Thank you for protecting my most precious gift:

On a more uplifting note, Aria has been playing so well this evening since we've been home.


Believe it or not, tomorrow Aria turns nine months old. 

Here is a little teaser for tomorrow's home photo shoot:

I'm excited to see her in it!

Happy Saturday, everyone!


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