One of Twenty One

Yesterday I wrote about the Twenty-One Day Challenge that myself and a few colleagues are beginning. This challenge is directed towards success in your career, but it could be applied to any aspect of life!

Let's start the challenge! On day one, I am thankful for the power of prayer.

On my 3 mile run this morning, I spent the time talking to God and listening to all different kinds of Christian music. (Remember, challenge #2 in to listen to nothing but Christian music for 30 days. This includes during my runs.)

During my prayer time, I prayed for our family, I prayed for my friends and all of their unique situations. I even prayed for people who are definitely not my friends. Jesus instructs us to pray for our enemies. This is extremely difficult on many days. Sometimes, like today, praying for your enemies will bring up memories and thoughts of things that you thought you gave to God a long time ago.

Once I was home, I still things I tried to give to God heavy on my heart. I stopped what I was doing, went to my room where it was quiet, then prayed for God to shut a door in my mind and heart on negative thoughts.

When I was finished, I literally felt like weights were lifted off of my heart, shoulders and head. Wow, God is so good. The rest of the day, so far anyway, I have felt no burden.

Just like it says in Psalm 55:22, "Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved."

Have you prayed for someone lately who you would usually not pray for? My challenge to you today is to do just that. Then, let me know how it goes.

Have a great Saturday, everyone. And go Chiefs!


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