
Showing posts from July, 2013

Wordless Wednesday!


Weekend Update

My favorite thing about this weekend was that my friend Kim cut my hair. A hair cut, plus lots of family time this weekend. You gotta love that! Aria and Papa We're learning that visiting family with a baby, no matter how close they live, requires us to pack like we're going on vacation.  We can't leave Gus behind. Since he started having the bladder issue , which is better now, his doctor wants him to go out every 2-3 hours. Now we take him every chance we can. Everything was packed up and we headed to my sister's. We haven't seen them in a while, so we were due for some sibling bonding. Aria was excited because she got to "swim" for the first time. Since Aria loves bath time, I assumed she would love swimming. She enjoyed it so much, it wore her cute little self out. She even slept through the night after her short time of swimming. Fun-day Sunday was pretty average. It was a great morning at church. Aria s

10%, Baby!

Today was a big day for me. I reached my first weight loss goal! I've lost 10% of my body weight so far. My next step is to lose another 10%. I'm using what Dave Ramsey has taught me about goal setting and paying off debt and applying it to losing my baby weight, what I lovingly call my "thunder thighs". Each goal must: * be specific (10%) *be measurable (again, 10%) *have a time limit (by Sept. 6) *be yours, and (my thunder thighs) * be in writing (you're lookin' at it) The last couple of days I have been so lazy about writing. I don't have an excuse, but I do have an addiction. Don't ever start the game Words with Friends unless you want to have such a strong addiction that you end up like Alec Baldwin not being able to "power down" because you don't want to stop playing. When I'm not playing this game in the evenings, Aria and I are still keeping busy during the day. Yesterday, Aria had her first experience with go

Signs Aria Is Growing Up

Today I noticed many things that Aria is doing to show me she is becoming a big girl. First off, Aria is finally enjoying the swing! Once we established that she likes swingin' now, I put her in front of the TV and tuned in the Baby Einstein: Beethoven DVD. She watched the whole 30 minute movie! Then she fell fast asleep and had about a 30 minute nap in the swing. This made for a happy mommy. The more obvious sign of her growing, growing, growing is that I continue to try on 3-6 month clothes on her. As you can see, they're fitting comfortably! (Aria is watching more Baby Einstein on my laptop in this picture. When can I get her her own iPad???  ;) ) Here's another: our morning walking routine is getting easier because she's learning that being pushed in the stroller is tons of fun, and I don't do it to torture her. She hasn't been fussy the last few walks, except for a little cry that tells me she's about to go to sleep