
Call me crazy, but I chose the 4th of July

                                             as the night to start putting Aria in her own room. She was outgrowing the basinet in her pack n play we've been using and I was curious to see if she'd sleep better in her own room.

Aria did great.

I, on the other hand, did not. I stayed awake most of the night staring at her video monitor, waiting for her to move. Every time I began to fall asleep, neighbors would start more loud fireworks. Then I stayed awake worrying that it would wake Aria up. It never did.

The next evening, Friday, we both slept great. Maybe it was because we had a great 2 mile walk that day.

I love this walking route. There are lots of trees, which makes for great shade!
Not only did I sleep like a rock, Levi got up with the baby when she woke up at 5 am on Saturday morning. I slept until 9. It was amazing. It's also fantastic to wake up to this site:

We had our usual play time and reading time

before getting ready for our final 4th of July party.

You really can't have too many 4th of July outfits!


Wrapping up the weekend, we got dressed up for church as usual today, then lunch at my parents' house afterwards. 

Aria usually goes to sleep for the evening around 7. The sunlight is still pretty bright that time of day. Here is our temporary solution:

Nighty night, Aria.


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