Aria's first Fourth

Saturday I noticed Gus was having some problems when he went to go potty. His urine was just coming out in little drops and it was taking forever for him to go. When I called the vet, she wanted him to come in right away.

They X-Rayed his bladder and did a couple tests. She couldn't find any stones or anything else wrong, so she gave me a drug used for bladder cancer and a very expensive bill then sent us on our way.

A couple days later, Gus hadn't gotten better plus he was vomiting quite a bit. We went back in to see the vet for more tests. The doc still couldn't find a reason why he was having this problem.

We switched to a new drug that would help his bladder muscles work better. She said we can't rule out some kind of untraceable cancer, or the fact that this could possibly be linked to his osteosarcoma (the cancer that caused him to lose a leg) but the good news is the osteosarcoma has not spread to his lungs! Yes!

The downside to the new drug was it caused him to pee all over the house. We jailed him on our tiled landing and I went searching for doggy diapers in his size.

This morning I finally found some at Pet Co. The $20 X-Large package of diapers didn't fit right.

Luckily, we notice an improvement today! He isn't peeing all over the house and his urinating is improving. So no need to worry about doggy diapers. 

We'll probably lock him up on the landing again tonight, though, while we're at a 4th of July BBQ. Like many dogs, Gus does not like the fireworks. But I like any excuse to get him a new ball to play with. 

Aria has slept most of her first 4th of July away. So far she has only been awake long enough to watch about 10 minutes of Baby Einstein,

and watch the ski show at Lake Winnebago with my family. (In truth, she slept through most of that too.)

Happy 4th of July!


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