Gateway To the West

Here are some pictures from our family trip to St. Louis this weekend. We had a great time!

Headed out. We left at 4 am!
Our first stop was the St. Louis Zoo.

"I'm a sssssnaaaake"

Our first picture with all 4 of us!
Aria's new kitty hat


Science Center
Colbin at Science Center
The dinosaur exhibit was really the only thing Aria was awake for. She watched the animated dinos move around, then fell fast asleep.

I splurged on Weight Watchers Anytime Points on this amazing ice cream from a highly recommended Ted Drewes.

me, Aria and Colbin under the Arch
Family photo op: at the arch

Westward Frontier museum at the Arch

Thomas Jefferson: Where it all started.
I liked how the center of the museum reflected the Jefferson Memorial in DC.

Colbin on the Mississippi

At the Arch, we purchased this National Parks Passport book. We got it stamped there and at the Grant Home National Park. Then we set a goal to visit all if the MO and KS national parks, plus at least one national park in every state. 

This is the tram tour of Grant's Farm on the way up to the petting zoo. 

Grant's Farm: Levi acting like Turtle Man from Call of the Wild. (I hate that show.)

Ulysses S. Grant's home. He built this for his wife. 

This is what Aria saw on our vaca. The back of her eyelids. She was asleep for most of the weekend.

It was a fantastic trip but Aria and I are super happy to be home!



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