Saying Goodbye to 0-3 Months

Aria was a good girl and slept through the night again last night. We put her to bed around 7 last night and she slept until 5:15 am! Woo-who!

It was a hot Monday, with it reaching 82 degrees already at 6 am, I decided that we better get a walk in right away.

Ari is usually a little fussy for most of our walks until she finally falls asleep toward the end of our exercise.

Not much was on the agenda for July 8, so we got lots of play time in. We're practicing and playing with holding up her head straight and sitting up. 

For a while, we played on her bedroom floor. 

I introduced her to Bella the Bunny puppet, which Gus wanted to strangle of course.

The biggest event of the day: we had several outfit changes

 and I discovered that Aria can now comfortably fit into 3-6 month clothes.

She hasn't completely outgrown 0/3, but the time to move up is near. This made me shed a few tears. Time is going so fast.

I even put on an outfit she hadn't worn yet of 0-3 month size and it was too small. I could barely button the onsie up.

It is what it is, and she has plenty of adorable 3-6 month clothes ahead of her.

I'm hoping for another night of the baby waking me up, so we made sure to play, play, play all evening. When she's tired, though, there's really no fighting it. Here is the evidence- she fell asleep playing with Shamu and Oli the Octopus. 

Gotta love that face. 

In all fairness, Levi watching "something dumb" is  when I usually get my blogging done!


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