10%, Baby!

Today was a big day for me. I reached my first weight loss goal! I've lost 10% of my body weight so far. My next step is to lose another 10%. I'm using what Dave Ramsey has taught me about goal setting and paying off debt and applying it to losing my baby weight, what I lovingly call my "thunder thighs".

Each goal must:
* be specific (10%)
*be measurable (again, 10%)
*have a time limit (by Sept. 6)
*be yours, and (my thunder thighs)
* be in writing (you're lookin' at it)

The last couple of days I have been so lazy about writing. I don't have an excuse, but I do have an addiction.

Don't ever start the game Words with Friends unless you want to have such a strong addiction that you end up like Alec Baldwin not being able to "power down" because you don't want to stop playing.

When I'm not playing this game in the evenings, Aria and I are still keeping busy during the day. Yesterday, Aria had her first experience with going to the library.

We made it through looking around at the brightly colored children's section and reading one book together before she had enough. Nobody dare stand in the way of her naps.

Our routines are still the same. Morning walks are getting hotter, so we leave as early as possible.

We cuddle,



and have tummy time, which Aria still hates.

Sometimes on great days like today, we get to do a little shopping too.

Just under 4 weeks of summer left together, then it's back to the real world of going to work every day. Let's not think about that anymore...


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