Aria's First Day of "School"

My first day back to work wasn't a rough as I thought it would be. Don't get me wrong, it sucked big time leaving her at daycare, but once I got to work I was OK. 

The answer to your question is yes, I did cry.

Aria woke up at 5:30 AM. After I fed her, Levi got her dressed for me.

She was a good girl while I finished getting ready for the day. We even had time to watch a little bit of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

Then it was time for the finishing touches on her outfit for her first day of "school".

I couldn't stop taking pictures. I felt like I couldn't get enough snapshots to look at throughout the day.

At least she didn't fuss much once I put her in her carseat. She was super sleepy by then.

Confession: I sneaked out of school at 3:30 instead of 4:00 today. I couldn't take it anymore! In my defense, I did arrive for the day of professional development at 7:30 AM instead of 8.

Once we were home, Aria didn't want me out of her sight.

So close to rolling over on her own! Still completely hating the torture of tummy time, though.

We played hard all evening and she finally fell asleep at 8:30, which is late for this baby!

Doing it all over again tomorrow. Will it be as hard to leave her on day two as it was on day one? I'll find out and let you know.

Goodnight, moon...


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