Monday, Monday

Yesterday was not a day for napping, according to Aria. She slept maybe 3 hours during the day, which is nothing compared to her usual schedule.

When you can't sleep, what do you do?

Watch Baby Einstein and learn about musical instruments. 

Of course once the video got the the strings section, she was done.

What else can you do when you can't sleep? Sing songs with Mommy.

At least she played for long enough for me to do some laundry. I decided to wash most of her 6-9 month clothes. One less thing to do in a month or 2 when I'm juggling work, family, exercise and whatever else comes with motherhood.

In the evening, big brother Colbin had football practice. Instead of staying home by ourselves, Aria and I tagged along. Levi packed the canopy and an ice chest and we were set!

I've discovered that Aria truly dislikes the brightness of being outside. Slip on some sunglasses and the fussiness goes away! 

Notice Aria had an outfit change...

One word: Blowout. Yeah. All over Mom. I'm just glad Levi was there to help me get her cleaned up. It was that bad. 

At least I was prepared. Early on , I learned that hard way that
1. blowouts usually happen when you're not at home.
2. you should always have 2 extra outfits packed in the diaper bag.
3. you should always have at least 2 plastic sacks in the diaper bag for the messiest mess you can imagine.
4. you should just keep an entire package of wet wipes in the bag instead of a cute little box with a few wipes. 

Today should be full of rain. I bet Aria will take much better naps! Have a great day!


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