First Day of School

Aria sleeps through the entire night...unless it's the first day of school. Then she randomly wakes up at 3 am and insists on having a bottle. Lucky for me, I have a great husband who took that call since I had a big day ahead of me.

After I got up at 5:15 and got myself ready, Aria still hadn't woken from her post 3 am bottle slumber. I turned on the hall light and she rubbed her eyes, letting me know that was still too bright for her. Once I started talking to her, she flipped over from her back to tummy for the first time! Now I know what it takes to get her to roll over- waking up when she's not ready!

(I have photos to share from this morning. Usually my pictures I take with my iPhone go straight to my Mac, but not today. I will update pictures in tomorrow's post!)

The first day with students was exhausting, just like it always is. Aria was exhausted too.

Have a great evening!


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