Our Jam-Packed Weekend


The Gilmores will be saving a lot of money now that I'm back to work. We spent many summer Fridays going shopping for good deals. 

This Friday was  not a contracted day for us teachers, so Aria and I took Mimi to do some last minute shopping. I mainly bought things for my classroom.

Aria is a great shopper as long as she is hanging out in her front-carrier!

Once we were finally done shopping, we went to my classroom to organize all the stuff. This time I brought the bouncy seat along to help keep the princess occupied.

When a baby gets bored, it's time to bring out the monkey.

We had a big day, but we weren't done yet. We still had the pre-season Chiefs home opener to attend! My super awesome friend, Janice gave us free tickets and a parking pass. You can't beat that.

It is no longer easy to bring a baby to a game with the new NFL rules:



Aria did great!


Saturday was also fabulous. My sister-in-law from out-of-town came with Colbin's cousin. We had pool-side fun! 

The water was too cold for Aria though. :(


then not so much.


After church, I was lucky enough to get a big nap! Two hours to be exact. Aria never misses a chance to nap either.

I used to hate Monopoly, but it was actually fun to play with Levi and the kid(s). We have to savor these times together before Colbin becomes a teen and is too cool for family board game time.

Even Gus got in on the action!


This week was a huge success- down 3.6 pounds! Getting back into running must have really helped pump up my weight loss. Today's run was tough, though. I got my two miles in, but the heat slowed me down. At least I got out and did it though! Right?


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