Last Summer Day with Ari

Today was the day to soak it all in. My last day of maternity leave. I'm so blessed to have had four blissful months with my girl, and sadly it's coming to a close. 

Aunt Natalie

That toy sure is funny!

I let her watch a lot of cartoons today.

My favorite song to run to!

Getting there...

Levi had a great day. He got a new wardrobe for work.

He even had a funny story for how he got this ice cream.

So he was working in the Ghetto today. Yes, Ghetto with a capital G. He comes across some sort of ghetto ice cream stand.

The man says, "That'll be two-fitty."

Levi proceeds to give the man three dollars, to which the man says, "Man, I don't have fitty cents to give you back."

"Well, sell it to me for $2 then," Levi replies.

"Seriously?" the man asks.

"Hey, part of being an entrepreneur is being prepared with correct change."

The story ends with the man saying, "Well a'int that a b****" and Levi getting his ice cream for two dollars.

Aria says, "I have a joke for ya. So a priest, a cop, and a horse walk into a bar..." 

Wish me luck for tomorrow!


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