A Very Merry Christmas

So far during Christmas break, we have had two discoveries. First up: Aria has learned to wave hello when she sees people. 

She is still trying to master the wave. She makes a fist and moves her hand up and down instead of left to right, but we all get the picture.

Our other discovery is that Aria is probably too big for her swing now that she knows how to make it stop swinging and tries to escape it.

The Gilmores had a very blessed Christmas. We started Christmas Eve morning at Grammy's house where Granny Great made waffles. Then we moved on to my parents house. 

I was ready to snack on unhealthy treats, even after our waffle breakfast.

And Aria just wanted to play with Mimi's measuring spoons all day.

Eventually, we got ready for the Christmas Eve service at church. I was excited to put Aria's second Christmas dress on her. This was my favorite out of the bunch.

Aria was a very good baby during the service.

Even Grammy and Granny Great thought so.

Following church, we ate more then it was finally present time! It's always been a tradition in my family to do presents on Christmas Eve because we have a German background and that is the German tradition.

Santa was very good to Aria.

This is the prank-gift that gets a new home every Christmas Eve.

Aria's favorite gift wasn't even her own. I got Natalie a little blanket. Natalie played this "Where did Aria go?" game with her. It was a lot of entertainment for us!

The rest of the family got some pretty nice gifts too. Mom made out like a bandit. Natalie got her a nice jacket,

and a plane ticket for her and Nat to go visit their friends in Colorado. Needless to say, she was a little surprised.

Oh what fun...

Christmas day morning, Levi and I did our own presents and Aria got even more gifts. 

My favorite gift was sent in the mail. My good friend Brad, who lives in St. Louis, painted this picture of Gus for me. It's one of the best gifts I have every received.

I still miss Gus so much.

After that fantastic morning (and a nice 3 mile run for me), the rest of the day was spent snacking and eating at my parents' house again.

Thanks, Bob, for making the delicious prime rib meal for us.

Yes, Levi ate the entire thing.

Toy time!

Wow, that's a lot of pictures! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas also! Today I hope to do some Christmas clearance shopping. 

Have a fabulous day!


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