Why I Love Eight Months

Eight months has been my favorite baby age so far. I love everything about 8-month Aria.

Some of the reasons why I love eight months are due to me being more comfortable and not always feeling like I have no idea what I'm doing anymore. For starters, we have nap time all figured out. I know her tired cry and when to put her in her crib. Sometimes she will fuss a little bit, but she is usually asleep in a few minutes.

Today, she didn't fuss at all. She immediately rolled over and went to sleep.

Another reason I love this age is because reading has become a little easier. Aria pays more attention to the books and best of all, she is now turning each page on her own. This makes me so giddy!

Each time she turns the page on her own, I praise her. I can just see the pride in her eyes and smile after every page turn.

Play time is another reason why I love this age. With her able to sit up, we can do so much more with toys and playing around.

Aria's favorite kind of toys are ones that have anything she can open and close, like her Fisher Price house.

It's also been easier to do things around the house, get myself ready, etc. because Aria is getting better at keeping herself entertained.

Who needs new toys when you have a toilet paper roll?

Finally, I love eight months because all of Aria's discoveries are growing in number quickly. Just the past few days, Aria has been wanting to practice standing.

Since she wants to stand, I got the toy out of the basement that Grammy Becky found at a garage sale for her. After cleaning it up, we got busy. 

Aria was even standing on her own for short bits of time.

Wow, time goes fast! I'm thankful I have Christmas break to spend so much time with her. It will be extremely difficult to leave her and go back to work on Friday. 

I will try to enjoy every moment we have together this week. 

Enjoy your day!


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