Shopping Thursday

Being at home with Aria all week has been a blast. The two of us have less than a week together before my break ends, though. It's going fast.

I love a good deal, so since it was the day after Christmas I thought I would be able to find some fabulous sales. I took Aria and Mom out with me.

Aria being able to sit up on her own now makes shopping a little easier not having to mess with a front carrier or stroller.

I was out looking for clearance Christmas outfits for next year, but I didn't have any luck. If you see anything adorable on clearance, please let me know!

Target and Kohl's were a bust, but at least I did find the ducky bathtub I needed.

Aria loves it too!

Since I didn't find much at Target and Kohl's, we decided to stop at Red Racks thrift store. Luckily, I found two bags full of cute clothes for Aria. That made my trip into Lee's Summit feel worthwhile.

I know many people aren't fond of thrift stores for many reasons, but I love Red Racks because it's not like other thrift stores.

1. It's clean. Many times when I walk into other thrift stores, the strong oder knocks me over. This is not the case at Red Racks. The bathrooms are even squeaky clean as well.

2. It's organized. Before I found Red Racks, I could not deal with thrift stores because I did not have the patience to look through racks and racks of clothes trying to find the right size. All of the clothes at Red Racks are organized by gender, style and size.

3. Great prices. I never leave Red Racks feeling like I spent too much money for what I purchased. Also, I get a coupon for 20% off every time I donate to the store. On top of that, the store has great sales- usually 50% off- on most major holidays. (The next one is New Year's day. I'm sure I'll be there!)

4. The money goes to a good cause. Red Racks is run by The Disabled American Veterans (DAV) organization.

If you haven't checked out a Red Racks, I obviously think you should!

Have a blessed day, everyone.


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