
Showing posts from February, 2013

Nearly Wordless Wednesday: Snow Day #4

Snow Day # 4 Dark chocolate chips: The best for baking! It's hard  not  to eat the dough! yummo New skirt #1 from the Rhea Lana's consignment sale "New" onsies from the Rhea Lana's consignment sale New skirt #2 from the Rhea Lana's consignment sale A coworker made this for Aria's wall. Just peel and stick!  Antique books for Aria Old books for Aria New books for Aria Freshly painted bookshelf for Aria                                        Digging for the ball Found it!

Your Snow-Day-Without-Power Guide

What do you do on a snow day without power? First, stay in the warmest room in the house. For me, this would be the bedroom. Open the curtains to let in good light for reading. Next, get a warm dog to cuddle up next to you, preferably a big dog. A bigger dog will provide much more body heat for you, and instead of feeling like it's 60 degrees in the house, it will feel like 70 degrees. (Also, it's OK if the dog wants to take up more room in the bed then you do.) You don't want to run down your phone by being on Facebook all day, so don't even bother using technology. Instead, catch up on all that reading you've been wanting to do! Don't get too excited when you hear trucks backing up and think it's the electric company coming to fix your power. Chances are it's just the city plowing the streets, which is also very important! If you start to feel cold, even though you're snuggled up next to a 70 pound dog, go ahead and call

Then Sings My Soul

Yesterday I mentioned that Levi and I shared our "What God Has Done in Our Lives" testimony in Bible study.  I was pretty sure I would be able to get through the testimony without crying, but another couple brought their newborn and shared that they named the baby after a fellow church member who was there to help them in a time of need. This made me feel the waterworks building before we addressed the class. Once we took the podium, the tears began to fall when I started to speak. I didn't think I'd be able to do it. Levi saved the day with starting off our story. That gave me a minute to compose myself and carry out what I wanted to say. I am blessed beyond measure. My cup runneth over. I want to gush about the miraculous baby growing inside me, but the doubt I had in God needs to be admitted first. It's hard for me to see that in black and white. I doubted God. The Mercy Me song, "You Are I Am" sums up some of the feelings I had at one point of

33 Weeks

33 weeks Symptoms: headaches, less heartburn, physically more tired Craving: no new cravings Feeling: large and happy Another great Sunday at church today. In Bible study class, Levi and I shared our testimony on what God has done in our lives. That story is an entire blog post all on its own, so that will come to blog life in the near futre. I've had a horrible headache since yesterday. No remedies have seemed to make it go away until I finally walked on the treadmill this evening. No more headache! Here's hoping it doesn't come back soon. I'm getting ready to go back to work tomorrow after being out a few days from last week's storm . Another snow storm is headed our way tomorrow night, though. After church, Levi decided to tackle that honey-do list I've made for him. The first chore was hanging the beautiful chandelier Georgia and Janice got for Aria's room. I must say, it looks fabulous! Honey-do # 2: hang Aria's video/ni

The Going Home Outfit(s)

Levi kicked off our Saturday with getting the driveway shoveled off this morning from the 10 inches of snow we got Thursday.  Gus never misses a chance to go outside with Dad and play in the snow. Dig for the ball! The cabin fever had set in from being snowed in for a couple of days. Since Aria still needs a special dress for her Going Home From the Hospital day, I used that as an excuse to get out of the house.  If Aria is born as a "newborn" size (5-8 pounds), then she gets to wear this fabulous dress home: If Aria is bigger than 8 pounds, then she gets this pretty dress: I got a new dress for myself too. I'm planning on wearing it to my shower in a few weeks and probably on Easter too. My friends Georgia and Janice must have had cabin fever too because they came over to see the chandelier they bought me for Aria's room.  The chandelier is gorgeous! Levi started hanging it up, but stopped because he nee

Pregnancy Confessions

33 weeks pregnant today! Where did week 32 go? The 33rd came so quick! Being 33 weeks pregnant and having a couple of snow days, there are some things that I need to confess. Pregnancy Confession #1 : It's been over a week since I have done any walking on the treadmill, until today. If you're a runner, check out the Rock My Run website. It's full of great music downloads, various mixes and a lot of it is free! Pregnancy Confession #2 : I let Gus tear up one of his dog towels because it's fun to play tug-of-war. Pregnancy Confession #3 : I/we haven't been very gazelle-intense on paying off our debt early because I have been distracted by purchasing things for Aria, but we've been back on track recently. We paid off one of two of my student loans. Thank you, Dave Ramsey , for giving us your Baby Steps plan to follow to achieve this goal after an uber amount of hard work and sacrifice. We're almost done with Baby Step #2 ! Pregnan