The Princess and Her Swollen Ankles

Guilty. I haven't written in a couple of days.

I began writing last night, but I fell asleep on the couch a little after 8 pm. This is what I started writing...

I had my bi-weekly doctor appointment today. Aria's heart rate was a healthy 144.

We reviewed my symptoms: heartburn and swollen ankles and I was reassured that it is all the normal part of being in the third trimester. He told me to keep my feet up as much as possible and continue walking on a daily basis.

The doctor also chatted about salty foods. He said that eating one Chinese meal will make me gain 5-10 pounds. Holy cow! I definitely need to stop salting my food.

Something else I have acquired this week is the Linea Nigra on my stomach just below my belly button. Apparently this is caused by hormones, like most of the other pregnancy symptoms.

I promised one of my classes brownies as a reward, but I was so exhausted and having my feet up felt great, there was no way I was moving off the couch. My fabulous husband offered to make the brownies for me.

The brownies were a hit!

This morning, my fantastic husband also made me pancakes for breakfast.

Am I treated like a princess, or what?!


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