32 Weeks

32 weeks pregnant: (8 months pregnant now!)

Craving~ McDonald's cheeseburgers
Feeling~ hormonal, some Braxton Hicks, but comfortable overall
Symptoms~ pregnancy insomnia, minor heartburn, swollen ankles

New this week: exhaustion! All of the sudden it's difficult to get through the work day because my body is just screaming for a nap.

Si, from the TV show Duck Dynasty, is on to something...

Last night, even though I was dog tired, I did not get much sleep. I think I was out for a few hours before I woke up because duty called, then I could not get back to sleep. Pregnancy insomnia strikes again. What do you do when you can't sleep?

Hot cocoa worked well for me. After drinking this down, sleep came for a couple more hours before 5 AM hit. Then I was up again and I never went back to sleep for the day.

Levi and I had our Valentine's Day celebration today. We don't spend money on cards, candy or flowers because I would rather use that money to go out to dinner and do something fun. Instead of having "date night", we had "date day".

Date Day started with breakfast at the VFW hall. Pancakes, biscuits and gravy- oh my! We then traveled to get new tires for Levi's Expedition. Of course Levi, being the romantic that he is, dropped me off at Kohl's while this was going on. I found the cutest outfit for Aria!

"Tutu Wild"

After a pit-stop at QT for drinks, we then went to my favorite thrift store, Red Racks. I found so many great clothes for Aria! Today's mission was to focus on 0-3 month clothes. Success! Everything is already washed and put away.

Our final Date Day shopping stops were Sam's Club to price diapers, Chili's to eat, and Babies r Us. Babies r Us had a great sale, so of course Aria got a couple more outfits.

Finally home, I began washing while Levi made homemade lasagna. He's such a great husband. My mom came over to eat with us and see the nursery with all of the goodies we bought Aria today.

I loved Date Day!



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