Showered with Gifts

Slacker alert! I  haven't written anything since Saturday! One of my excuses is I've had a lot going on this week.

Tuesday night was my first baby shower. A few friends from church did a great job putting it together. Just look how cute they decorated the table with antique baby toys and baby pictures of Levi and me.

The cupcakes were delicious!
Guess how many M&Ms?

I was in great company, with people from the orchestra, my bible study class and my mother in law.

31 weeks pregnant
We were even in the presence of the most precious newborn.

While the ladies were partying, Levi and one of the other husbands spent time at the KC Blades hockey game. It sounds like they had a great time!

I was overwhelmed with everyone's generosity.

I had a little bit of time to organize some of the gifts tonight, but I couldn't get it all done before I decided I was too exhausted to finish. Gus was by my side, as always.

I am blessed beyond measure. My cup runneth over!


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