Third Time's the Charm

What a great day at church! Our pastor is doing a series on "love, sex and relationships" and today's topic was "The Christian Bedroom". We learned a lot about what God says about these three things through studying the book of Solomon. I liked that the pastor discussed how husbands need to do romantic things for their wives, and yesterday I blogged about how romantic it was of Levi to take me out on a Date Day of shopping. Levi is a keeper!

Speaking of bedrooms, my friend found a great deal for me on a used bouncer for Aria, so she brought it to church for me. Putting the swing in the bedroom put me in the mood to do some more nursery organization.

The rainforest bouncer is in great condition, and even better, it matches the swing we already have. 

Levi moved the rocker his dad gave us into her room. He had to rearrange the furniture a couple of times until we were happy with the arrangement. 

First we tried this:

Levi didn't like all the furniture lined up. Next we tried...

I'm pretty sure one of us would stub our toe on that rocking chair in the middle of the night trying to get to that armoir.

Third time's the chram:

This is probably the keeper. We moved the crib to this wall:

View from the rocker.

After all this mayhem, I better organized the clothing Aria has so far. (Yes, "Better organized", meaning I've already organized it once before, but that wasn't good enough.)

She has her newborn- 3 month clothes in drawers and blankets with 3-6 month clothes on the right, ready to go.

Side note: how cute is this little dress from Red Racks??

Aria's older clothes are bagged by age: 6-9 months, 9-12 months and 12 months plus. I even have a daycare bag of clothes in order. (These are used clothes that just aren't in princess condition.)

The diaper bag  got some attention and a few things thrown in there.

All of this fun, hard work called for a special treat: brownies and ice cream. Yummo!

I don't think I would have had all the energy to do all this if it weren't for that amazing nap I had this afternoon. The good news is there's no school tomorrow, so I can have another great nap! Thanks, presidents! 

And can we please get a snow day or 2 this week? We haven't had one yet- of course on the year I won't be around to make them up in May!

I know what happens when I get my hopes up about snow days, but too late! The hopes are high!


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