30 Weeks

 The countdown: 30 weeks along and 10 weeks to go!

I have been feeling movement galore, especially today. I don't think she got much rest with all the kicking practice going on in there on this chilly Friday.

Me in the basement-in-progress zone

I have been feeling outstanding, except heartburn has decided to become a pain this week. It hasn't been horrible because it doesn't last long, but it's definitely not fun.

Behold, my best-friend this week:

The nesting continues today. I cleaned for hours and the men helped out too.

Levi worked on finishing up the basement. (Pictures of this to come later this weekend.) He also finished painting the nursery. I think we need another quart of pink for touch-ups, but it's getting there!

30-week pose in Aria's painted room

Even Gus wanted to help out, but he mainly just encouraged me by following me around.

After writing and Facebooking, I plan on tackling the papers that I have left to grade tonight.

Let's hope that gets done at some point this weekend, at least.


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