Announcement Time

13 Weeks

With the first trimester under wraps, now came the moment I had been looking forward to: The Facebook Announcement!

With this picture I posted:
Pumpkins: $15
Pumpkin Carving Kit: $5
Votive Candles: $2
Realizing there are actually two people in this picture: PRICELESS

This was the week we got to hear the baby's heart. There truly has never been another sound in the world that is better than that. As I am looking at my paper/pen journal, I am giggling at what I wrote:
"We get to find out the gender at out next appointment. I've always thought m first kid would be a boy- and I really want a boy- but today all I can think about is how neat and fun it would be to have a girl!"
                                                                                                                                                        ~ Oct. 9, 2012

We heard the heart beat on Oct. 24. Her heart rate was 144. The old wives' tale says that means it's a girl. I also took a "Chinese gender prediction quiz" online and that too said I was having a girl. From the day I wrote that journal entry until we confirmed her gender, I had very strong feelings of wanting a girl, even though my whole life I thought I would have a boy first. I think little baby girl was trying to tell me something. And maybe that lifelong feeling of having a boy first didn't necessarily mean I was having a boy first biologically. Maybe God was whispering to me that first I receive a stepson after marrying the man of my dreams. 

Colbin and me:
Halloween, 2012


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