Birthing Classes

There was no sleep in our house last night. Levi was awake every hour, excited about his new job and career change.

 I was tossing and turning because of this, but also because
(1) my back hurt pretty bad
(2) I was still on Cloud 9 from the day's 3D ultrasound. I'm so excited to hold my baby girl in about short 11 weeks.

I'll be 29 weeks tomorrow. I still feel great, and have very few of the negative typical 29 week symptoms:

  • Lots of kicks! (All that crowding.) ~ YUP!
  • Headaches and/or lightheadedness, possibly due to difficulty sleeping, but it could be from low blood sugar too, so make sure you're eating at regular intervals. ~ NOPE, I have no problem eating at regular intervals and the scales show it.
  • Itchy belly. Your skin is stretching thinner, making it more sensitive. ~NOPE! I apply lotion to my belly every day. No itchiness here!
  • Back, leg or pelvic pain.~ YUP- as stated above.
  • Hemorrhoids. Baby's putting pressure on your digestive system, and hormones may be relaxing your intestinal muscles. Eat plenty of fiber.~ NOPE
  • Constipation. This isn't really helping the hemorrhoid situation, is it? ~NOPE
  • Trouble sleeping -- still!  ~Sometimes
  • Gotta pee -- again! The more your uterus expands, the more you'll probably have to hit the restroom. YUP!
  • Varicose veins. Don't worry! These should fade after delivery. YUP!

Birthing Videos

I have also looked into some birthing classes, but our hospital charges $77. Yikes! Then I remembered, you can learn a lot from YouTube. I started looking for informative videos. This video combo is probably one of the best I have found so far. (Video #1 is way to cheesy though.)

YouTube Birthing Class Videos


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