
10 weeks: Friday, Sept, 14, 2012

This is the day I decided to have Levi start taking "belly pictures". At the time I thought I was showing so much! But looking back on this now, I beg to differ.

This early on in pregnancy I was definitely a lot hungrier than before pregnancy. What did I eat? I had a 'round the clock craving for pizza and ravioli with lots of sauce.

Up to this point, I really hadn't felt too bad. I left work once because I was so nauseous with an intense headache. If I didn't eat right when I started feeling hungry on other days, the nausea would set it pretty quick.

Something else I was experiencing was pregnancy insomnia. I was exhausted and got to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, but several times a night I would wake up. I couldn't get back to sleep because
1. I had to pee.
2. I was excited about being pregnant.
3. I was wondering if the baby was a girl or a boy.
4. I had to pee.
5. I was thinking of baby names.
6. I would worry about the baby.
7. I had to pee.
8. A baby dream woke me up.
9. I had to pee.
10. You get the idea.

Obviously, the frequent runs to the bathroom started fairly early on. Dr. Google says this is because my body is pumping so much more blood to that area. Who knew? Not this rookie, that's for sure.

Another great mile stone by this date was we already had 2 sonograms. At sono #1, all we could see was a little tiny heartbeat. It looked like a kidney bean with a heart pounding. Sono #2 at 9 weeks, I immediately laughed out loud as soon as I saw the baby on the screen. I could not believe how much she grew! This time she looked like a gummy bear: a huge head and tiny little arms and legs. Her arms and legs were wiggling and she was dancing all around.

What a miracle!

Gus wanted to be in this picture. :)


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