Banana Split Pudding

27 week, 6 days: "Truly, the more you know about the growth of your baby in the womb, the more remarkable it becomes." (As Your Baby Grows: From Conception to Birth). While this is definitely a true point, I would like to add that the more you know about the growth of a baby in the womb, the more powerful your amazement at God's abilities become!

While still feeling great this far along, I haven't had too many cravings lately. Today, though, I could not wait to get home to make Banana Spilt pudding that I craved all day. This is one of my favorite simple recipes and it is soooo good!

I realize this isn't the prettiest picture of the dessert, but realistically,  this is what it will look like!

Banana Split Pudding is a recipe I got through Weight Watchers years ago. *WARNING* It is not a low calorie dessert if you eat the whole bowl in one sitting. :) I would have been OK with eating just this for dinner, but I know that's not very good for the baby. Thank goodness it was taco night!

In other news, Gus is having a great day! We played a lot of fetch inside while I was doing chores:

He still loves running! His endurance gets stronger with each day, then he's ready to rest. 

This momma was ready to rest too! Before pregnancy, I would never take a nap at 6:30 in the evening, but a woman's gotta do what a woman's gotta do! :)


  1. So cool, Gus is my hero;) and I'm tots trying that recipe, I Will eat the whole bowl;)


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