Hello, Third Trimester!

Sunday, January 12, 2013

I never thought I would see the day where I would be in my third trimester of pregnancy. Over two years of negative pregnancy tests, two surgeries for Endometriosis, three IUIs and finally- the mother of all fertility treatments- IVF.

But here I am! Just 13 weeks to go! We've been busy preparing the house. (And when I say we, I mean Levi.) He has been working on partially finishing the basement so that we can move the things that are in the future nursery downstairs. It might not seem important to some to finish a basement just to put a treadmill and desk down there, but I am pretty anxious to get back to running after Aria arrives. The basement in its former condition is where all treadmills go to die! Put a treadmill down there, and it will never be used again.

Now, just wait until you see the mess that we call the nursery...


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