IVF, Ay de Mi!

July 23, 2012

This photo was taken by one of our magnificent nurses at Research Medical Center on Monday, July 23, 2012. The Friday before, I had done an "egg retrieval" where the doctor puts me under to retrieve as many mature eggs as possible. He was able to take out 8 eggs, which is a little less than average, but we were optimistic.

The next day, Saturday, the embryologist called with an update: 3 of those 8 eggs were mature and  only one fertilized. Not. Good.

 I was upset- just one fertilized. We planned on putting 2 embryos "back in" for better chances, plus freezing and extras for future use. Everything was riding on that one little embryo. Because we only had 1 embryo, we were going to do a "3 day transfer" instead of a 5 day because the embryo would grow better.

After getting out my frustrations and negative thoughts, we remained optimistic. We went back to the hospital on Monday, July 23 for the transfer. This was a very quick and painless procedure. The doctor put the embryo (our baby!) under a microscope and displayed it on a large screen TV for us to see. A perfect, 8 cell embryo. Amazing.

The doc transfered her in and reminded me, "This is a pregnancy." I think what he was getting at is that embryo is a living being and will grow to be our baby. Now all we do is wait to two weeks to take a test.

Two weeks.

The longest two weeks of our lives.

I was told not to take a HPT- home pregnancy test- because all the hormones I was on could make the test wrong. There was no way I was taking a test at home , then wonder, "Wait- it that right? Can it be? What if it's wrong?" So, the rule follower that I am, I waited until the day of the test at the doctor's office...

about to become pregnant
soon to be daddy again


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