Battle of the Best!

We spent some time with Levi's parents today since his sister was in the show choir competition, Battle of the Best, at the high school in our home town:

All the applause and music makes baby girl move around a whole lot. I don't remember how much she moved around when the fire alarms went off. People didn't think it was necessary to stand up and exit the building when this was going on, but a pregnant lady does not ever ignore fire alarms, I can tell you that much. 

We also got some quality nephew time.

It was good times and my former students in the Pleasant Hill high school's Hillside show choir were amazing. There is no other word to describe their talent.

I'm glad that Gus likes to end the night on his bed that we bought him after his surgery:

I know he'll still end up on the bed with me when it's nighty-night time since Levi is at work, though. No complaints here. 


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